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Gentle Yoga
Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Category: Yoga & Tai Chi

Wellness & Lifestyle Services: Yoga Classes



Establishing a regular yoga practice can have significant mind and body benefits that help us feel balanced and strong. A regular and diverse yoga practice can build strength, muscle tone, flexibility, aerobic fitness, and balance - all areas that are critical to maintaining our functioning as we age. Additionally, yoga has the ability to reduce chronic pain and inflammation. In terms of its mental benefits, yoga has also been shown to improve our cognitive abilities while reducing stress, anxiety, and even depression.

We currently offer one weekly yoga class: Gentle Yoga. We welcome you to learn about this weekly practice, meet our instructors, and join our community!

Gentle Yoga 
Wednesdays 9a-10am EST 

Gentle Yoga is a guided practice which incorporates movement, breath work, and meditation. Students will be led through a calming meditative practice and gentle, restorative movements to support their overall health and well-being. Students will be offered a series of options for each pose and guided through the use of yoga props - including chairs, blocks, bolsters, and blankets - to help students find the optimal range of poses for their practice. 

Absolutely no experience is necessary for this yoga class and you do not need to be able bodied. Please just come with an open mind. You will be guided the entire way through the practice and plenty of modifications will be given.

You will be given permission to move in a way that feels best for you but with certain cues given for physical safety. This yoga practice is a way for you to connect to the present moment and bring a feeling of peace and ease into your daily life.  

 Equipment Needed: 

  • 6 ft clear space
  • Yoga block and yoga strap - optional 

 Due to COVID-19 precautions, some of our Wellness & Lifestyle Services will be held online. For these sessions, we use zoom technology. Our instructors will provide instructions for what to expect with their online classes when you register. New to zoom? Our team is here to help you get set up so that the technology is not a barrier to joining our life-long wellness community. Contact us at [email protected] if your have questions about attending classes online!